Monday, May 16, 2011

weekly word

My focused word this week is  MOTIVATION... I was all excited about this word being my focus this week, because there are lots of things I need to get motivated for. ie: summer vacation with the kids, getting in shape for summer, Madison's birthday in a few weeks, and  seeking  freedom from the things that have bound me in my past.

Then there is the whole, my husband starts a new job next week. And our family will begin a prayerful search for a new church. You know, things I need to find motivation for.

So... I was stoked about the idea of finding motivation this week and then I woke up with my throat swelling shut. I went to the doctor, and guess what? Yes. I have strep. Not an ideal way to get motivated for my week.

Instead of spending my afternoon with my small group sharing huge break troughs last week on my quest for freedom and being encouraged by them, I waited at the pharmacy for my antibiotics, and will find my place under the covers in my bed.

Never-The-Less... I will still focus on Motivation this week.
Where I find it.
What motivates me to succeed.
What it means to be motivated.
And what pure motives are.


1. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
2. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
3. taking action or moving.

Right now I don't feel like moving to do anything. but to crawl in my bed..

Plan for the Week: 

1. Prayerfully seek what are the motives of my heart and focus on bringing them inline with God's plan for me.

2. Make a plan (write it out) for summer vacation, and how I will invest in my children during those weeks.

3. write out ideas for Madison's birthday.

4. Make a list of churches our family would like to visit, and pray over it as a family.

5. Take my penicillin, drink lots of fluids, get plenty of rest... And Feel Better!!

"Not for our sake, God, no, not  for our sake, but for your name's sake, show your glory." Ps 115:1

Father, let all my motivation for whatever I do be for your glory, and nothing else.

how do you get motivated?

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