"Healthy people don't need a doctor-sick people do.
For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but
those who know they are sinners."
Matt. 9:12-13
What is your wound? (ex. abortion)
Describe what your wound looks like? (ex. a deep, dark hole)
Now that you have identified your wound and have a clear picture of what you are dealing with, it is time to take the appropriate steps to aid in healing.
WOUND n. 1. An injury, esp. one in which the skin is torn, pierced, cut, or broken. 2. an injury to the feelings.
HEAL v. 1. To restore or regain health or soundness. 2. To set right; repair.
We have all been injured or wounded, because we live in a fallen and sinful world. But, take heart, the great Doctor is in. Jesus came to heal mankind; He came to set right that which has been broken by sin. If you read though the gospels of Jesus' life you will soon see the central theme of healing. Whether Jesus was teaching, rebuking, or hanging out with his friends, in most every chapter you will see Him heal someone. God knows that our deepest need is to be healed and made whole. He is not going to save us from hell and just leave us there. He came to repair, mend, and restore the glory He gave us. Are we ready to receive His perfect treatment?
Imagine: You have falling and scraped your elbow on the rough gravel and pavement. Your skin is torn and bleeding. The open wound is full of dirt, gravel, and pieces of debris, and it is painful. If you just held that wound close, hide it away without getting air, never cleaned it or covered it with any kind of protection, the wound would grow worse. If left that way it could become infected and extremely painful affecting the function of everything else. Not being cared for properly increases the risk of more lasting damage. However, if you exposed and inspected the wound, cleaned out what didn't need to be there, applied healing ointment, and covered it with clean protection, you would be aiding in proper healing. This is the key, by taking the proper steps we can AID in the healing of a wound. We do our part to help the wound heal proper and quickly and our body does the rest. So it is with a soul wound. When we cover it, never allowing for fresh air and inspection, not willing to do the hard work of cleaning it out, applying the ointment of God's Word, and protecting it with the truth, it will grow ugly and infected and begin to bleed out in all aspects of our lives. We must aide in healing the wounds of the heart and let Jesus do the rest.
Describe what your wound looks like? (ex. a deep, dark hole)
Now that you have identified your wound and have a clear picture of what you are dealing with, it is time to take the appropriate steps to aid in healing.
WOUND n. 1. An injury, esp. one in which the skin is torn, pierced, cut, or broken. 2. an injury to the feelings.
HEAL v. 1. To restore or regain health or soundness. 2. To set right; repair.
We have all been injured or wounded, because we live in a fallen and sinful world. But, take heart, the great Doctor is in. Jesus came to heal mankind; He came to set right that which has been broken by sin. If you read though the gospels of Jesus' life you will soon see the central theme of healing. Whether Jesus was teaching, rebuking, or hanging out with his friends, in most every chapter you will see Him heal someone. God knows that our deepest need is to be healed and made whole. He is not going to save us from hell and just leave us there. He came to repair, mend, and restore the glory He gave us. Are we ready to receive His perfect treatment?
Imagine: You have falling and scraped your elbow on the rough gravel and pavement. Your skin is torn and bleeding. The open wound is full of dirt, gravel, and pieces of debris, and it is painful. If you just held that wound close, hide it away without getting air, never cleaned it or covered it with any kind of protection, the wound would grow worse. If left that way it could become infected and extremely painful affecting the function of everything else. Not being cared for properly increases the risk of more lasting damage. However, if you exposed and inspected the wound, cleaned out what didn't need to be there, applied healing ointment, and covered it with clean protection, you would be aiding in proper healing. This is the key, by taking the proper steps we can AID in the healing of a wound. We do our part to help the wound heal proper and quickly and our body does the rest. So it is with a soul wound. When we cover it, never allowing for fresh air and inspection, not willing to do the hard work of cleaning it out, applying the ointment of God's Word, and protecting it with the truth, it will grow ugly and infected and begin to bleed out in all aspects of our lives. We must aide in healing the wounds of the heart and let Jesus do the rest.
"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be discouraged , for the Lord God , my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the Lord is finished correctly."
1 Chronicles 28:20
Do you see that we have to do the work? We have to take the steps of courage and faith and Jesus will bring the healing to completion. That is GREAT news!!
Whenever we get wounded our natural reaction is to cover it and hold it close not letting anyone look at it. It takes real courage to open up and take a good look at what is there. This is a very important step. This should be done with the help of other Christians willing to journey with us.
1 Chronicles 28:20
Do you see that we have to do the work? We have to take the steps of courage and faith and Jesus will bring the healing to completion. That is GREAT news!!
Whenever we get wounded our natural reaction is to cover it and hold it close not letting anyone look at it. It takes real courage to open up and take a good look at what is there. This is a very important step. This should be done with the help of other Christians willing to journey with us.
- support groups
- counseling
- mentor/discipleship
- prayer/accountability partners
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." James 5:16
This can be the hard part; it is often painful to clean out a wound. However, it must be done. This is the stuff that will cause infection and lead to more lasting damage. The lies must be replaced with the truth. We have to change our minds.
This can be the hard part; it is often painful to clean out a wound. However, it must be done. This is the stuff that will cause infection and lead to more lasting damage. The lies must be replaced with the truth. We have to change our minds.
- denial
- anger
- bitterness
- unforgiveness
- resentment
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
Prayer and God's Word is the stuff healing is made of. We must bathe ourselves in these. We must make prayer and God's Word alive and active in our lives. This takes a commitment to follow after Jesus and live his will for our lives. Then healing will take place.
Prayer and God's Word is the stuff healing is made of. We must bathe ourselves in these. We must make prayer and God's Word alive and active in our lives. This takes a commitment to follow after Jesus and live his will for our lives. Then healing will take place.
- pray
- read God's Word regularly
- Bible study and teachings
"He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the WORD, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having not spot, or wrinkles, or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless." Ephesians 5:26-27
Once the healing process has begun we need to be sure that we keep it covered and protected. This means to armor up daily. Stay close and connected to those who will help you grow, and continue to grow in the life God has for you.
Once the healing process has begun we need to be sure that we keep it covered and protected. This means to armor up daily. Stay close and connected to those who will help you grow, and continue to grow in the life God has for you.
- Put on the full Armor of God
- connect with a close community of other Christians
- keep an outward perspective, while serving others.
- worship
- allow God to use our wounds to bring growth to ourselves and hope to others.
"Put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm." Ephesians 6:13
Healing takes time, it is a process. If we do our part, God will do His. He is a God who heals. If you find yourself wounded, bruised, broken and in much pain, don't stay there; cry out to Jehovah-Rophe: He is God, your healer. Do your part to aid in the healing process and the wait on the Lord.
Healing takes time, it is a process. If we do our part, God will do His. He is a God who heals. If you find yourself wounded, bruised, broken and in much pain, don't stay there; cry out to Jehovah-Rophe: He is God, your healer. Do your part to aid in the healing process and the wait on the Lord.
" Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait on Him."
Lamentations 3:23-24
If you have read this post and have identified a wound in your soul that needs healing, consider some practical steps you can take to aide in healing. I pray that God will show himself faithful to you and bring about health and wholeness.
Lamentations 3:23-24
If you have read this post and have identified a wound in your soul that needs healing, consider some practical steps you can take to aide in healing. I pray that God will show himself faithful to you and bring about health and wholeness.
"He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed." Isaiah 53:5-6
You know that is the scariest thing to me is to reveal my wounds and cleanse them out. Not sure why I hide them cause He knows all about them.. Maybe it is time to make a trip to the first aid kit and start cleansing these wounds. I heard the best doctor is Jesus.. Thank you for your investment, thank you for always sharing with us but most important thank you for your friendship that means more than you know... love ya sweet friend...
Wow. Girl. This. Was. GOOD!
Love ya!!
Thanks Kristen! You add a double blessing to my morning. I know many women are much more authentic and better communicators than I am. You are certainly one of them. My prayers, with thanksgiving and praise are being lifted to the mercy seat for you, your marriage and your children right now. God's art work (you and George) is a beautiful thing.
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